EPDM waterproofing Hidrostan for the flat roof of the preschool in Milazzo

Waterproofing work on the flat roof at the Kindergarten School in Milazzo province of Messina Sicily is nearing completion.

Thanks to the use of our innovative EPDM waterproofing membranes **Hidrostan**, the site benefited from a significant operational advantage. The installation of the large-format sheets made it possible to minimize the number of splices, ensuring not only superior waterproofing quality and durability, but also a drastic reduction in execution time.

This technologically advanced solution is an important guarantee of reliability, minimizing risks from seepage and consolidating our reputation in the waterproofing industry.

We would like to thank our team and all partners involved for the excellent cooperation that made it possible to achieve this success


Waterproof membranes Hidrostan in EPDM for underground structures


Conference; A real estate culture to be preserved. Benevento December 5, 2024